How to Send and Receive a Source Member using Email

(Revised 12 February 2009)

Section A: How to SEND an iSeries Source Member

The ActionWare RPG program named IMPORT is used as the example in this document. This procedure will work for any iSeries Source Member.

On an iSeries command line, enter the command AW4LM to get to the ActionWare Main Menu.

Enter this command on the command line at the foot of the Main Menu:


You will then see this successful completion message.
"File member copied to PC document IMPORT.RPG."

The source member is now available in PC format to be sent to ActionWare as an email attachment. You will find the file on the I: drive in folder I:\AW4.

The method used here describes sending it as an email attachment. To send the file via email, it needs to be accessible from the computer you are going to use to send the email. This requires that the PC can access the I: drive.

Prepare an email. Address it to "".
Attach the file IMPORT.RPG as an attachment.
Type a subject line and enter some text (optional).

Send the email.


Section B: How to RECEIVE an iSeries Source Member

At the receiving end:

Step 1 is to extract the file from the email into folder AW4.

Step 2 is to copy it to a source file in the ActionWare database library you are working with. Normally this will be to copy it as a member in AW4L/QMODSRC. It can be copied to overwrite an existing member of the same name, or it can be added as a new member of the source file. .

Step 1: Extract the file from the email into folder AW4.

First, check if a member named IMPORT.RPG already exists in the ActionWare folder AW4 (aka I:\AW4). If so, you must delete or rename it.

Save the file from the email into ActionWare folder AW4. This is accessed from the PC side as I:\AW4.

Step 2: Overwrite or Create Member IMPORT.

NOTE 1:- this command will overwrite an existing member of the same name in source file AW4L/QMODSRC, or create a new member if no member named IMPORT exisits.

NOTE 2:- change library name AW4L in this command if this is the not library you are working with.


You will then see these successful completion messages.
"Member IMPORT created in file QMODSRC in library AW4L."
"PC document copied to physical file member."

From the ActionWare Main Menu, select option 6 for the Tools menu, then option 1 to work with QMODSRC source code.

Navigate to member IMPORT. If Source Type is blank, enter the appropriate type, in this example enter RPG. Likewise, enter a program description.

Prepare to compile the program.
Add library AW4G to the library list.

Compile the program into library AW4L. In this example it is an RPG program. Use option 14 from the PDM member list. You must prompt the option (F4 then F10 then F11) so that you can specify CVTOPT(*DATETIME) for the RPG compile.


Once complete, you may need to ship the source member back to the customer using these same instructions with the roles reversed.